Ceramic Capacitor

NTC Thermistor Varistor Y Type Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor Thin-film Capacitor Monolithic capacitors

Ceramic Capacitor 101 2KV

Ceramic Capacitor Structure

Ceramic Capacitor Parameter

Performance of Ceramic Capacitor


Characteristics of Ceramic Capacitor
MLCC(Class 1)- Miniaturized, high frequency, ultra low loss, low ESR, high stability, high voltage, high insulation, high reliability, non-polarity, low capacitance, low cost, high temperature resistance, mainly used in high frequency circuits

MLCC(Class 2)- Miniaturization, high specific volume, medium and high pressure, non-polarity, high reliability, high temperature resistance, low ESR, low cost;It is mainly used in low and middle frequency circuit as capacitor for straight coupling bypass and filter.



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